Corner of Broadway and 5th Street, downtown Los Angeles, circa 1920s

Corner of Broadway and 5th Street, downtown Los Angeles, circa 1920sAnd I thought the sidewalks of Broadway in downtown L.A. were crowded these days, look at what Angelenos of the 1920s had to deal with. This photo shows the view up Broadway from 5th Street with the sidewalks crowded shoulder to shoulder. Two things I especially love about this shot is that we can see five automobiles and three streetcars—that’s a pretty good ratio, if you ask me. Also, I love the sidewalk clock on the right hand side. Why don’t we still have them???

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2 responses to “Corner of Broadway and 5th Street, downtown Los Angeles, circa 1920s”

  1. Gary Mortimer says:

    Wow…you have some amazing pictures on this site. So great to look thru them all and see what things looked like back then.

    I did go to the Coconut Grove with someone (can’t remember who now) and we had a great table close to the piano where Tony Bennett sang to us. It was great!

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