"Selznick's Girl Friday" - by Martin Turnbull, book 1 in the Hollywood's Golden Year trilogy


Martin Turnbull’s Hollywood’s Garden of Allah novels whisks you back to the moment before talking pictures slugged Tinsel Town in the jaw. Luminous silent-screen star Alla Nazimova converts her Sunset Boulevard estate into the Garden of Allah Hotel. Soon after she opens those lush grounds and recedes into its shadows, some of Hollywood’s most talented hopefuls check into her bungalows and begin to meet, drink, and revel through the long Los Angeles nights.

When a troubled screenwriter, Marcus Adler, an ace girl reporter, Kathryn Massey, and aspiring actress Gwendolyn Brick move in and make friends, we’re whisked along with them to leap and lurch, live and love through Hollywood’s golden years.

If you like compelling and memorable characters seamlessly intertwined with authentic and richly detailed history, then you’ll love Martin Turnbull’s portrayal of the City of Angels.

Hollywood's Garden of Allah novels by Martin Turnbull


“Martin Turnbull has succeeded in doing what would seem to be the impossible – transporting readers to the Golden Age of Hollywood with a story that has its main characters mixing and mingling with the people and at the places all classic movie-aholics have heard about for so many years.” Amazon review

How can an author take a reader back in time so they feel the atmosphere, smell the smells, hear the background sounds and see every detail of an era long past? The answer to this question eludes me but this is exactly what Martin Turnbull has done in this spectacular book.Amazon review

“Great historical fiction starts with superb character development combined with accurate historical settings told through a compelling page-turning story line. The Garden of Allah series gets top-shelf honors in each of these.” Amazon review

Martin is a rare author: a novelist whose expertise makes his fiction every bit as impressive as the work of the best biographers chronicling Hollywood’s golden age. The accuracy and essence between his books’ covers help make his stories all the more compelling and believable. – James Zeruk, author of
Peg Entwistle and the Hollywood Sign Suicide: A Biography



Copyright © 2023, Martin Turnbull. All rights reserved.


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