Jail Café, Sunset Boulevard, 1927

Jail Café, Sunset Boulevard, 1927Jail Café 4212 Sunset Boulevard, 1927. Ummm…really…? This is someone’s idea of a good time? Sitting at a table behind bars? Considering this was during Prohibition, if they sold liquor there (which they probably did) and then got raided, the patrons wouldn’t have far to go to get thrown in the slammer. A one-stop shop!

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One response to “Jail Café, Sunset Boulevard, 1927”

  1. Jean Hunter says:

    Here’s how you’d be served – yikes! Can you imagine the reaction when the waiter dropped his uniform off at the cleaners?


    This place has had other incarnations through the years, including a theatrical playhouse, and is still around now when it became – in 1963 – the popular supper club El Cid.

    Thanks, Martin.


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