All Roads Lead To Hollywood neon sign

All Roads Lead To Hollywood neon sign
The Coca-Cola company saw a huge rise in sales (and profits) when movie theaters started putting in concession stands around the mid-1930s. Until then, not many of them did. Sid Grauman (of Grauman’s Chinese theater fame) refused to install any stands. So, to capitalize on this popularity, the Coca-Cola company installed a huge neon sign on Hollywood Boulevard in the shape of the United States. The sign alternately read: “Drink Coca-Cola . . . The drink that refreshes . . . All roads lead to Hollywood . . .” For anyone walking along Hollywood Blvd to see this sign, it certainly was true.

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One response to “All Roads Lead To Hollywood neon sign”

  1. Jean Hunter says:

    I wonder how many of the Golden Age stars really drank Coca-Cola or the studios made them appear in these advertisements? They would really have to force me as I’ve never cared for the stuff ‘cept partaking an occasional rum and coke and stressing the “occasionally!”


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