interior, Cocoanut Grove Nightclub, Ambassador Hotel, Wilshire Blvd

interior, Cocoanut Grove Nightclub, Ambassador Hotel, Wilshire Blvd
The Cocoanut Grove nightclub which was situated at the Ambassador Hotel on Wilshire Blvd. Usually you just see photos of the dance floor and the paper mâché palm trees (brought from the set of Valentino’s “The Sheik”) but this photo shows how beautiful the styling of the doors and walls were (as well as Valentino’s paper mâché palm trees.)

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6 responses to “interior, Cocoanut Grove Nightclub, Ambassador Hotel, Wilshire Blvd”

  1. Jean Hunter says:

    One of the most beautiful pics of the interior of the Cocoanut Grove Nightclub I’ve seen. Just heartbreaking this is gone.


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