Metro-Goldwyn Mayer Studios main gate entrance, 1938

Metro-Goldwyn Mayer Studios main gate entrance, 1938Metro-Goldwyn Mayer Studios main gate entrance viewed from the left side showing off the colonnade, February 21, 1938. What a thrill it must have been to walk through those hallowed gates for the very first time! At least those columns still stand, even if the studio behind them no longer goes by the name of MGM.

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One response to “Metro-Goldwyn Mayer Studios main gate entrance, 1938”

  1. Jean Hunter says:

    Along with heartlessly razing so many beloved landmarks scattered throughout Hollywood, I personally include what Sony has done to this studio as another tragedy, but like you said, Martin, at least they had the sense to keep these columns. I can just imagine how our Golden Age stars would react if they were to come back for 24 hours and flit here and there and see what has happened to Hollywood and movies since they left us. Thankfully much of their hard work is preserved for us to love and enjoy all these years later.


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