Color photo of Westwood, near UCLA, in 1941

Color photo of Westwood, near UCLA, in 1941

Pre-WWII color photos of L.A. are hard to come by so when I do come across one, I do my little happy dance. This is Westwood, near UCLA, in 1941. Looks like finding a parking spot wasn’t a hassle!

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4 responses to “Color photo of Westwood, near UCLA, in 1941”

  1. Living in Westwood (circa 1937) was like a dream come true. It was everything one could ask of a community – and more.

  2. Jean Hunter says:

    Louella, a friend of mine lives not far from UCLA, but I don’t need to tell you this area looks nothing like this anymore. Love the street lamps, palm trees and cars, the uncluttered backdrop and how clean everything looks (other than that tiny bit gutter trash! haha)

    Thanks to our wonderful Martin for sharing this!


    • Dear Jean: I shall never forget living in Westwood (823 Westholme Ave,. West Los Angeles) from 1938-1942. It was paradise. I am now retired (taught figure Skating for 31 years) and living in Carpinteria, CA which is as close to what Westwood was as I can imagine. Just West of the Fox theater was a marvelous ice skating rink where I first put on skates. Please tell me about your memories & I too love Martin.
      Fondly, Louella

      • Jean Hunter says:

        Louella, literally since I was a youngster my heart has always belonged to the Golden Age of Hollywood and I am so thankful I discovered Martin’s wonderful site. I love all the old movies and stars and studios, especially MGM. It is a shame that Hollywood has changed so much and not for the better. I want to cry when I see what has become of MGM. Thankfully the powers to be had the presence of mind to leave the old columns on Washington Blvd. alone. My favorite stars are Harlow, Gable, Susan Hayward. If you have memories to share of them, especially Harlow, as I know she knew your aunt, I’d love to hear ’em!

        I first moved down to Hollywood in the very early ’80s specifically to work at the studios in some capacity. However I knew nobody so the only way to accomplish this was by signing up with a temp agency that specialized in industry assignments. My first one was at Paramount (although I always wanted to work at MGM) I worked in various departments as needed – used to ride a studio bike all over the lot on my lunch break just absorbing that atmosphere. This was before the back lot fire. Had a ball working on that lot. All the history. Used to love going into the front offices just inside the main gate where the big wigs were, not to see them, but to admire all the original woodwork. It was like stepping back in time. I still carry so many wonderful memories. But as does sometimes happen with all good things after some length of time, I said good bye and returned back up to No. CA where I’m from (Hayward) My very good friend still lives (now) in West LA and I’m always welcome to stay with her when/if I come down. If Hollywood still was as it was back in the Golden Age, I never would have left! Maybe you wouldn’t have either.

        Take care –


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