Pershing Square, downtown Los Angeles, June 1939

Pershing Square, downtown Los Angeles, June 1939Pershing Square, June 1939, with the Biltmore Hotel in the background. All that shady foliage and lovely fountain – Los Angeles sure lost a lot when they decided to put that parking garage under the square. I’ve parked there a bunch of times and it’s very convenient, but still, Pershing Square doesn’t look nearly so darned purdy as this, does it?

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2 responses to “Pershing Square, downtown Los Angeles, June 1939”

  1. Alexis says:

    Great photo of Pershing Square as it was designed by John Parkinson in 1910. I’m sure you know about the petition to restore (not re-design) the park, but if you haven’t yet signed the petition to Mayor Garcetti, here’s the link:

    And here’s a link with many photos, though none as great as the one you posted!

    Thanks for the reminder of what a beauty this park was,

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