The United Artists theater on Broadway in downtown L.A. during the run of Mary Pickford’s “Coquette” in 1929.

The United Artists theater on Broadway in downtown L.A. during the run of Mary Pickford’s “Coquette” in 1929. The United Artists theater on Broadway in downtown L.A. during the run of Mary Pickford’s “Coquette” in 1929. This building is still around and recently reopened as a hotel called the Ace Hotel Los Angeles, which features a completely renovated theater. (Like many of the old Broadway theaters, it operated as a church for a long time.) I went there this week for a lookie-loo. We went up to the roof top bar which is, as you can imagine, offers quite the view of downtown L.A. Twas a very civilized way to enjoy a glass of wine.

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