The Garden of Allah Hotel’s “Guest Informant” book

The Garden of Allah Hotel's "Guest Informant" bookAn item up for auction on Ebay recently caught my eye. It was the book pictured here: the Garden of Allah Hotel’s “Guest Informant” book. I had never seen or heard of one before, so I’m only guessing it was in each room and villa at the Garden of Allah and detailed local points of interest. I had to laugh when I saw that much of it was all about listing the addresses of the Hollywood movie stars. Clearly, tourists where as obsessed with seeing where the stars lived back then as we are now. It also featured ads for the Florentine Gardens (a rather risqué nightclub on Hollywood Boulevard, a block or two west of the Pantages Theater) and one I’d never heard of called Sarniz. I did some research and found it stood on what we now called Restaurant Row on La Cienega, north of Wilshire Boulevard.

The Garden of Allah Hotel's "Guest Informant" book The Garden of Allah Hotel's "Guest Informant" book The Garden of Allah Hotel's "Guest Informant" book The Garden of Allah Hotel's "Guest Informant" book The Garden of Allah Hotel's "Guest Informant" book

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3 responses to “The Garden of Allah Hotel’s “Guest Informant” book”

  1. This is fabulous! I had never heard of this! I found a well-worn little black book my mother Jane Hall had, really just 4 and half by 3 inches with addresses. You can be the first to know “Clark Gable (home phone) Su 2 5913.”

  2. Your mother had Clark Gable’s home phone number? Wow, that would have been really worth something back in the day!

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