Clark Gable versus Errol Flynn for the role of Rhett Butler in “Gone With the Wind”

Clark Gable verses Errol Flynn for the role of Rhett Butler in "Gone With the Wind"

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4 responses to “Clark Gable versus Errol Flynn for the role of Rhett Butler in “Gone With the Wind””

  1. beachgal says:

    OMG! This is fabulous!

  2. Robert Friedman says:

    Gable didn’t even like the part of Rhett Butler and harassed Vivian Leigh during filming. They say he purposely ate garlic before any kissing scenes.

    Flynn would have made an immensely charming Rhett and was perfect for the part. It might have changed his life and he may have even won an Oscar. Opportunities lost. Oh well!

    • From what I understand, Gable didn’t want the role, but it was forced on him, so he resented having to act in what he deemed a glorified women’s picture. I don’t think he took it out on Leigh, though, and I certainly don’t think he ate garlic to spite her. He had ill-fititng false teeth which sometimes gave him halitosis – he didn’t need any help to sour his breath. I do think that Flynn could have made a good Rhett Butler, but nobody suited the part better than Gable.

      • Robert Friedman says:

        Trivia from IMDB:
        “ Vivien Leigh later said that she hated kissing Clark Gable because of his bad breath, rumored to be caused by his false teeth, a result of excessive smoking. According to Frank Buckingham, a technician who observed the film being made, Gable would sometimes eat garlic before his kissing scenes with Vivien Leigh.”

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