Zamboanga South Seas Club at 3828 W. Slauson Ave

Zamboanga South Seas Club at 3828 W. Slauson AveI don’t know that a bar advertising itself as the “Home of the Tailless Monkeys” would be the sort of thing that would tempt me inside, but I suspect the exotic name alone—Zamboanga South Seas Club—might do the trick. It stood at 3828 W. Slauson Ave (southeast of Culver City) and was run by Joe Chastek who was the first to open a tropics themed bar.

See also

Zamboanga South Seas Club at 3828 W. Slauson Ave Zamboanga South Seas Club at 3828 W. Slauson Ave Zamboanga South Seas Club at 3828 W. Slauson AveZamboanga South Seas Cafe and Nite Clubzamboanga souvenir photo

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One response to “Zamboanga South Seas Club at 3828 W. Slauson Ave”

  1. PDQ says:

    Building looks to still be there. Look at the curves on the opening where the front door is. And the two story building to the right of it is still there too.,-118.3408942,3a,75y,184.12h,80.04t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sqYv2hEHSZXmWvt_zfv7GYg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x667409086323a3d1!6m1!1e1

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