Art deco mural in the Mayfair Hotel, downtown Los Angeles

Art deco mural in the Mayfair Hotel, downtown Los Angeles I wish the photo of this mural was in color. It’s from the foyer of the Mayfair Hotel at 1256 W 7th St. in downtown Los Angeles. It opened in 1926 and if this mural is anything to go by, I’m guessing it was the height of Prohibition-era chic. The hotel is still there and according to their website, the hotel hosted the first official post Academy Awards party was held at Mayfair Hotel in 1929. I don’t know about that—it’s the first I’ve heard of it—but it makes for great bragging rights. According to another source I came across, Raymond Chandler briefly stayed there shortly before he found success.

Mayfair Hotel, downtown Los Angeles Mayfair Hotel, downtown Los Angeles


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