Chapman Park Hotel & Bungalows, corner of Wilshire & Alexandria, 1938

Chapman Park Hotel & Bungalows, corner of Wilshire & Alexandria, 1938In this photo we’re at the corner of Wilshire and Alexandria in 1938, looking at the Chapman Park Hotel & Bungalows, a Garden-of-Allah-like place that stood at 3401 Wilshire Boulevard (placing it opposite the Ambassador Hotel and the original Brown Derby) from 1936 to the late 1960s. You can see a lot more photos of the Chapman Park here: – including shots of their fabulously named Zephyr Bar. We can also see twin spires in the background advertising Auburn Cord automobiles, a brand of American car that went out of business around this time. We can also see that the person who took this photo was sitting on the top story of the open-air double-decker buses that used to run around L.A.

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