List of movie producers in Los Angeles, 1927

List of movie producers in Los Angeles, 1927

  1. Action Pictures
  2. Alpine Productions
  3. Associated Studios
  4. Balahofec Studio
  5. Bear Mountain Pictures
  6. Bervilla Studio
  7. Binocular Stereoscopic Film Co.
  8. Bischoff Saml
  9. Brown H J
  10. Brulatour H G
  11. Bunze I W
  12. Buster Keaton Productions
  13. California Studio
  14. Caswell Studio
  15. Caulfield H P
  16. Century Studio
  17. Chaplin Charles Film Corp
  18. Christie Film Co Inc
  19. Cine Pictures Co
  20. Clunes Studio
  21. Consolidated Film Industries
  22. Coogan Jackie Productions
  23. Culver City Studio
  24. Davis A B
  25. DeMille C B Studio
  26. DeVillard F J
  27. Disney Walt Studio
  28. Educational Studios
  29. E & R Jungle Studio
  30. FBO Studio Inc
  31. Fairbanks Douglas Corp The
  32. Famous Attractions Inc
  33. Famous Players-Lasky Corp
  34. Fashion Productions
  35. Fidelity Pictures
  36. Fine Arts Studios
  37. Fitzgerald D M
  38. Fox W M Studio
  39. France-Calsone Productions
  40. Frazee Edwin Studios
  41. Goldstone Philip
  42. Hart William
  43. Hartford David Productions
  44. Henkel S V
  45. Hercules Film Productions
  46. Horkheimer H M
  47. Horsley David
  48. Horsley William
  49. Ince Thomas H Corp
  50. Independent Pictures Corp
  51. Independent Studio
  52. Inspiration Pictures Corp
  53. Jacobsmeyer Corp
  54. Jeffery H S
  55. Keaton Studio
  56. Kenamart Studio
  57. Lamson Demmy
  58. Lariat Productions
  59. Levine Nat
  60. Lichtig & Englanders
  61. McNamara Studio
  62. Maloney L D
  63. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studio
  64. Metro-Goldwyn Mayer Studios
  65. Metropolitan Studio
  66. Milliken Pierpont Productions
  67. Mission Film Corp
  68. Mixwille Studio
  69. Nathan Al
  70. National Film Clearing Exchange
  71. National Theaters of California
  72. Natural Pictures Corp
  73. Neilan Marshall
  74. Pacific Title & Art Studio
  75. Parker Donald Productions
  76. Patton C W Studio
  77. Pickford-Fairbanks Studio
  78. Pickford Mary Co
  79. Principal Pictures Co
  80. Roach Hal E Studios
  81. Rothwell B H
  82. Selig Studio
  83. Sennett Mack Studio
  84. Sennett Mack Inc
  85. Sierra Pictures
  86. Smith A B
  87. Standard Pictures Corp
  88. Standard Productions
  89. Stern Film Corp
  90. Stillfilm Co
  91. Sunset Productions
  92. Tec-Art Studio
  93. Thomas Richard Productions
  94. Tiffany Productions
  95. United Studio
  96. Universal Studio
  97. Waldorf Studio
  98. Walker Johnnie Motion Picture Enterprises
  99. Warner Brothers Pictures Inc
  100. Warner Bros (Vitegraph) Studio
  101. West Bros Comedies
  102. Worne Duke Productions

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2 responses to “List of movie producers in Los Angeles, 1927”

  1. Robert Bunze says:

    Number 11, Bunze I W, is my great grandfather. I was wondering if
    You had any information about him, such as things he worked on, who he worked with, or any other information that would be useful in finding out more about him. I appreciate very much any information about him.

    Thank you so much,

    Robert Bunze

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