Advertisement for “The Garden of Alla” (without an “H” at the end) Hotel

Advertisement for "The Garden of Alla" (without an "H" at the end) HotelI’m so used to seeing photos, signs and ads for setting of my novels spelled as Garden of Allah-with-an-H that it was a bit jarring to come across this ad for the “Garden of Alla” without an ‘H’ at the end. The name of the hotel was a play on words – actress Alla Nazimova originally owned the property, and there was a very popular novel around called “The Garden of Allah” (subsequently made into a 1936 movie starring Marlene Dietrich.) Coming across this article reminded me that it wasn’t called “The Garden of Allah-with-an-H” until a couple of years after it opened, when new management gave the place a re-launch. Apparently Madame Nazimova was none too happy with the additional “H” at the end of the hotel’s name.

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