Biff’s coffee shop was a popular Googie-style diner on the corner of Cahuenga Blvd & Yucca St, Hollywood, a block north of Hollywood Blvd. It opened in 1948 and was named after the son of the owner, Tiny Taylor, who had a chain of similar places across L.A. throughout the 1950s. Like most Googie-style places, it looks great when lit up at night. This photo was taken in 1950.
Both Malloy and Reed were not coffee drinkers, biffs was used as a prop to increase volume of business, But by time this episode aired, biffs closed down and owners moved to Key West Florida. So all in all, we know that reed and Malloy had no coffee there, and now it is a CVS. Would be cool to see reed stop in the CVS , but I doubt it.
Me too. Wow, great memories. When you are underage for the bars, Biffs and Dennys is the place to go, I remember another place on Ventura Blvd, West end by the In-and-out Burger. I can’t think of the name. Remember Marie Calendars, loved that place, too
I’m watching the episode of Adam 12 where Biff’s is located. I’ll bet it is the location in Hollywood. Also, I just saw a scene where Schaefer Ambulance was used. That’s the same ambulance used in the movie ONCE UPON A TIME IN HOLLYWOOD. Thanks for the memories.
Best to all,
~ Steve H.
Haha, so did I. The episode of the neighbors fighting over the shared boat. That is exactly what led me here, and I am in tears doing it. Seeing Biff’s like that, and then thinking of the fires made me cry for something wonderful that’s lost.
Me too. Too bad it’s been closed since 1995. I live in Az now, also. All the coffee houses where a cup of coffee and a piece of pie was a great way to end the day are no more
Biffs, House of Pies, Marie Calendars, and even Big Boy.
No Tiny Naylors? I don’t remember House of Pies being in Los Angeles (or the valley… ) I DO however, remember it in Houston ,just blocks from where I lived, and I’m pretty sure the House of Pies is still there in Houston, there are a couple I know of.
I’m in Phoenix Az,, and I just saw it on Adam 12 season 1 episode 6 , we still have Mel’s Dinner in Phoenix Az from the 70’s show, I wasn’t a fan of the show, but Dragnet, Adam 12, 240 Robert ect different story!
That’s what’s great about having Google on your phone. You can look up everything. I was doing the same thing. I used to deliver in LA so it’s fun to see things that were probably long gone by the time I started delivering there.
LOL …. TOO FUNNY…. I was watching ADAM-12 too as well!!!
Season 1 – Episode 6 : LOG #161 and I came looking for Biff’s too hoping against hope to visit but I knew better! Everything in Los Angeles gets knocked down for either a strip mall, Starbucks, or CVS & a RiteAid ….. Just like the old Ben Frank’s on Sunset Blvd or Clifton’s Cafeteria down town… All these classics places are pretty much all gone!
When they showed Biff’s, they knew they were being torn down. Mel’s diner on the sunset strip,is alive and well. They used a copy in the movie American Graffiti in 1978. Mel’s in the movie was the old version, today they you can go inside. If they would have used Mel’s, not only free advertising, but royalties would have to be paid for 20 yrs. ,Went to both , my aunt let me stay , the summer. My cousin was a little older she had a Volkswagen bug. That’s how I got around there. For 3summers in a row I worked at the thrifty drug store. The manager wanted me full time, but I still had to go home.Back then from 1965 to 1971, it was very good times for me there. Today , LA ,is trashed, with homeless people, graffiti all over. It definitely has gone down hill , and a black eve has taken over. It’s terrible. No wonder people are leaving today, in groves.
Thank you for the nice comment, LA was quite a city ,from the 40’s to the early 70’s. The only problem with LA ,back then, it’s so spead out if you some special shopping , you could put a 1000 miles on your car from one end the other in 2 days. the counties cover south 60 miles to almost san diego to the arizona state line east. Anoter icon ,if you ever go to ingelwood, is randys donuts . address is 805 manchester bvd. They have a big donut on the roof, and has been there since early 50’s . Best donuts in LA.
ADAM-12 Fan love the Old Cars. Almost all the crimes were so mild. We thought back then was bad. What the HELL happened to this world. It was a kinder gentler time. BIFFS. LOL Made me think of back to the future! ??
We used to go to the Biff’s on the southeast corner of Devonshire and Reseda Blvd in Northridge for pancakes many years ago. Now I believe Tiny purchased DuPar’s – I think the only DuPar’s in L.A. is at the Farmer’s Market and there is one in Las Vegas as well. AH- The Good Old Days!!!
We used to go to the Biff’s on the southeast corner of Devonshire and Reseda Blvd in Northridge for pancakes many years ago. Now I believe Tiny purchased DuPar’s – I think the only DuPar’s in L.A. is at the Farmer’s Market and there is one in Las Vegas as well. AH- The Good Old Days!!! Speaking of nostalgia . . . What about Wil Wrights?
Du Pars, that was the place on Ventura Blvd, I think. Sherman Oaks, Woodland Hills, not sure. Will Wrights was an ice cream parlor for the family. It was a candy store and an ice cream parlor They sold candy like candy buttons and smarties and were famous for the troph ice cream. It was a banana split served on a like stretcher and of course it was HUGE… You are right, it’s great to have nostalgia. I was just in a conversation about Bob Big Boy on Van Nuys Blvd on Cruise night
Watching movie A Patch of Blue (1965) with Sydney Poitier…saw Biff’s in the background.? Wonder which location it was? Think there were multiple locations…?
Biff’s Los Angeles was at 7th and Alvarado. It was visible in “A Patch of Blue” (great movie!). My Dad (Paul) owned it then (he bought all the LA area Biff’s from Tiny Naylor in 1964). 7th and Alvarado was a money-maker. I was 9 or 10 years old and my little brother and I would play in MacArthur Park across the street while my Dad worked. We visited him on summer vacation. He owned Biff’s until he passed away suddenly age 59 in 1979. We adored him. His wife Ella continued as owner until she passed away 1993 or ‘94.
I always ordered my favorite: grilled patty melt on rye with grilled onions.
Dessert at any of the biffs was hot boysenberry pie ala mode. Or banana cream pie or coconut cream pie. Yum!!!
Oh my gosh…..Adam 12 and Biff’s restaurant in the San Frando Valley. Great memories. So many great eateries throughout the L.A. area. I remember in Westwood Village was the Dog House Restaurant. Also gone but not forgotten, and Ships in Westwood too. Hamburger Hamlet. Great restaurants on the west side of town. Just name a few.
I guess I’m not alone. Watching Adam-12 and saw biffs and wondered where it used to be. I grew up in the valley and don’t remember it. Must have gone away before my time. Love Adam-12 for the cars and the old neighborhood footage.
Biffs is famous cause it was on the Adam-12 pilot and lots of other Adam-12 episodes!! The same waitress always waited on the officers too. Malloy, Reed, and several other officers ate there. And they always had dessert too!
Now I just saw Biff’s on Adam-12 & looked it up. After reading the comments I see I’m not the only Adam-12 fan; watch everyday on Fetv! It’s ashamed Biff’s is not around anymore; however it will always be on Adam-12!
Just saw the place on Adam-12.
We did too!
Saw the episode also, is the place still a restaurant or something else now.
The restaurant is not there anymore. I’m not sure which corner it was on, but I suspect it’s where the CVS pharmacy currently stands.
Sad to hear that. Why am I not surprised a chain store is there now? It reminded me of Adel’s Diner in Santa Rosa, CA, which is also closed now.
Just saw Adam 12 episode with Biffs
We watch A-12 all the time. The kids never missed an episode.
Both Malloy and Reed were not coffee drinkers, biffs was used as a prop to increase volume of business, But by time this episode aired, biffs closed down and owners moved to Key West Florida. So all in all, we know that reed and Malloy had no coffee there, and now it is a CVS. Would be cool to see reed stop in the CVS , but I doubt it.
My dad worked for Biff’s for years at that location.
I just read that that location was built by Frank Lloyd Wright. He used to live right here in AZ. His house is a tourist attraction now.
I just saw it too, May 14th, 2021..!!!
I just saw it on adam 12 on me tv
Just saw I as well
Must be the episode where the guy tried to rob the liquor store lol
Yup. Season 1 Episode 6
We can get good food anywhere. They have cute waitresses.
I just saw it on Adam-12 and that’s why I looked it up! ??
I did too
Saw on Adam 12 also. Steak was 1.49
Saw it on Adam 12 today
Saw it on Adam 12
Me too!
It is January 23, 2024 and we just watched it on Adam 12 as well. Biffs steak buck 49. We love it.
I saw Biff’s Coffee Shop on Adam-12 as well!! Pretty cool isn’t it??
Me too. Wow, great memories. When you are underage for the bars, Biffs and Dennys is the place to go, I remember another place on Ventura Blvd, West end by the In-and-out Burger. I can’t think of the name. Remember Marie Calendars, loved that place, too
Nope, I believe they were at the Sherman Way location, in Reseda/ aka known as “Residue” now.
On the corner of Lindley Ave if memory serves.
I’m watching the episode of Adam 12 where Biff’s is located. I’ll bet it is the location in Hollywood. Also, I just saw a scene where Schaefer Ambulance was used. That’s the same ambulance used in the movie ONCE UPON A TIME IN HOLLYWOOD. Thanks for the memories.
Best to all,
~ Steve H.
Haha, so did I. The episode of the neighbors fighting over the shared boat. That is exactly what led me here, and I am in tears doing it. Seeing Biff’s like that, and then thinking of the fires made me cry for something wonderful that’s lost.
I just saw Biff’s on Adam 12 restaurant also. Feb 4th 2025
Just saw this on Adam-12.
Have to say I have eaten there. Loved it.
Lucky you!
When did it close…in the name of progress? Or did the gangs fok it up as they usually do?
I don’t know when it closed. In this part of town, places like these were usually collateral in the relentless march of progress.
Just saw on adam-12 today. Sad that cool places like this are gone.
Thats funny, Ijust saw it on Adam-12 today and thats why I lookied it up.
Same here !
Just saw On Adam 12
Also. Love the nostalgia..
Just saw it on,”Adam 12″..another great episode!? Restaurant looked pretty cool..too bad there, isn’t any left?Tuesday August 31,2021
I’m watching it now in Arizona !
Me too. Too bad it’s been closed since 1995. I live in Az now, also. All the coffee houses where a cup of coffee and a piece of pie was a great way to end the day are no more
Biffs, House of Pies, Marie Calendars, and even Big Boy.
ah, correction Bobs Big Boy
No Tiny Naylors? I don’t remember House of Pies being in Los Angeles (or the valley… ) I DO however, remember it in Houston ,just blocks from where I lived, and I’m pretty sure the House of Pies is still there in Houston, there are a couple I know of.
I’m in Phoenix Az,, and I just saw it on Adam 12 season 1 episode 6 , we still have Mel’s Dinner in Phoenix Az from the 70’s show, I wasn’t a fan of the show, but Dragnet, Adam 12, 240 Robert ect different story!
And you still have the only drive-in movie theater, I am told. We had one in Scottsdale, but it has been gone since 2010
At least I know I’m not the only one looking these places up online while watching these old TV shows!!
No, David, you’re not the only one at all!
Me too lol, it’s so convenient having a encyclopedia in your hand !
That’s what’s great about having Google on your phone. You can look up everything. I was doing the same thing. I used to deliver in LA so it’s fun to see things that were probably long gone by the time I started delivering there.
which biffs was on adam 12? it lists 5 different above. are they all closed now?
Yes, all closed for a long while now.
I think Reed stated they were gunna be on break at Lankershem Blvd address….. not an actual Biffs location.
LOL …. TOO FUNNY…. I was watching ADAM-12 too as well!!!
Season 1 – Episode 6 : LOG #161 and I came looking for Biff’s too hoping against hope to visit but I knew better! Everything in Los Angeles gets knocked down for either a strip mall, Starbucks, or CVS & a RiteAid ….. Just like the old Ben Frank’s on Sunset Blvd or Clifton’s Cafeteria down town… All these classics places are pretty much all gone!
I’m watching Adam 12 today and saw saw it and that’s why blooming it up. I love nostalgia
I don’t like auto spell. Looking it up it should be, sorry
Just saw on Adam 12
Malloy and reed live it there
Love it there I ment
December 29th 2021 at 5:50 PM PST, just saw it on Adam 12. Loved these old eateries. To bad they are all gone !!!
Try Norms in the LA area. It’s as close as u can get they have been around since the late forties we live in Colorado and stop there whenever in LA
I saw BIFF’S on Adam-12 as well!!! They went there to take Code 7 a lot!! Ok 7….
LOL, I just saw the Adam-12 episode and had to look up Biff’s. Still cool to find info on the old eateries, even if some of them are gone.
When they showed Biff’s, they knew they were being torn down. Mel’s diner on the sunset strip,is alive and well. They used a copy in the movie American Graffiti in 1978. Mel’s in the movie was the old version, today they you can go inside. If they would have used Mel’s, not only free advertising, but royalties would have to be paid for 20 yrs. ,Went to both , my aunt let me stay , the summer. My cousin was a little older she had a Volkswagen bug. That’s how I got around there. For 3summers in a row I worked at the thrifty drug store. The manager wanted me full time, but I still had to go home.Back then from 1965 to 1971, it was very good times for me there. Today , LA ,is trashed, with homeless people, graffiti all over. It definitely has gone down hill , and a black eve has taken over. It’s terrible. No wonder people are leaving today, in groves.
I tended bar for Tony Ferra at the Brass Ring night club on Ventura back in 1974. LA was a pretty cool place to be back in those days.
Thank you for the info! Always great to know what has and had been going on.
Thank you for the nice comment, LA was quite a city ,from the 40’s to the early 70’s. The only problem with LA ,back then, it’s so spead out if you some special shopping , you could put a 1000 miles on your car from one end the other in 2 days. the counties cover south 60 miles to almost san diego to the arizona state line east. Anoter icon ,if you ever go to ingelwood, is randys donuts . address is 805 manchester bvd. They have a big donut on the roof, and has been there since early 50’s . Best donuts in LA.
Biff’s Coffee Shop is a Starbucks now. Biff’s was waaaay better!
Just saw it on Adam-12, Mar 16, 2022. Very cool.
Biff’s Coffee Shop is a Starbucks now. Biff’s was waaaay better!
Another Adam-12! Southern California must have really been a great place to live back then. Sad to see it is gone now.
I agree but it’s a hot mess now, and those taxes, wow! They would have to pay me to live there, and even then I’m
Not sure I would.
I hear Floraduh and TexA$$ taxes and homeowners insurance is worst than L.A. without the bad weather.
I also just saw it on Adam 12.
Just watched it on Adam-12 That was a cool
Looking place to eat.
ADAM-12 Fan love the Old Cars. Almost all the crimes were so mild. We thought back then was bad. What the HELL happened to this world. It was a kinder gentler time. BIFFS. LOL Made me think of back to the future! ??
Just saw it on Adam-12 on METV
That was a cool building for sure. So sad we have to lose so many nice places of our youth…
Just saw it on Adam-12. April 28th 2022
We can get good food anywhere. They have cute waitresses.
We used to go to the Biff’s on the southeast corner of Devonshire and Reseda Blvd in Northridge for pancakes many years ago. Now I believe Tiny purchased DuPar’s – I think the only DuPar’s in L.A. is at the Farmer’s Market and there is one in Las Vegas as well. AH- The Good Old Days!!!
We used to go to the Biff’s on the southeast corner of Devonshire and Reseda Blvd in Northridge for pancakes many years ago. Now I believe Tiny purchased DuPar’s – I think the only DuPar’s in L.A. is at the Farmer’s Market and there is one in Las Vegas as well. AH- The Good Old Days!!! Speaking of nostalgia . . . What about Wil Wrights?
Hi Pat, and thanks for stopping by and sharing your memories with us. I can only envy your experiences at Biff’s and Wil Wrights!
Will Wrights, as in the ice cream troph. Oh, what memories. Thanks for mentioning that. That place was great!
Du Pars, that was the place on Ventura Blvd, I think. Sherman Oaks, Woodland Hills, not sure. Will Wrights was an ice cream parlor for the family. It was a candy store and an ice cream parlor They sold candy like candy buttons and smarties and were famous for the troph ice cream. It was a banana split served on a like stretcher and of course it was HUGE… You are right, it’s great to have nostalgia. I was just in a conversation about Bob Big Boy on Van Nuys Blvd on Cruise night
Also Adam 12 season 5 Ep14
Well, at least Henry’s Tacos is still going strong. See it in on Adam 12 Season 1 Episode 2, and a few others.
There was a Biff’s on Main Street in Brawley, California in the 1950s and early 1960s.
Just saw it on Adam-12!!
just saw it in Adam 12. Seasin 5 Episode 14 also
Just saw it on Adam-12 on MeTV. Season 1, Episode 6 (October 26, 1968).
Just saw Biffs on Adam-12!
Just saw this on Adam-12 season 1 episode 6!
Watching movie A Patch of Blue (1965) with Sydney Poitier…saw Biff’s in the background.? Wonder which location it was? Think there were multiple locations…?
Biff’s Los Angeles was at 7th and Alvarado. It was visible in “A Patch of Blue” (great movie!). My Dad (Paul) owned it then (he bought all the LA area Biff’s from Tiny Naylor in 1964). 7th and Alvarado was a money-maker. I was 9 or 10 years old and my little brother and I would play in MacArthur Park across the street while my Dad worked. We visited him on summer vacation. He owned Biff’s until he passed away suddenly age 59 in 1979. We adored him. His wife Ella continued as owner until she passed away 1993 or ‘94.
I always ordered my favorite: grilled patty melt on rye with grilled onions.
Dessert at any of the biffs was hot boysenberry pie ala mode. Or banana cream pie or coconut cream pie. Yum!!!
Oh my gosh…..Adam 12 and Biff’s restaurant in the San Frando Valley. Great memories. So many great eateries throughout the L.A. area. I remember in Westwood Village was the Dog House Restaurant. Also gone but not forgotten, and Ships in Westwood too. Hamburger Hamlet. Great restaurants on the west side of town. Just name a few.
Dont forget Sizzlers. That was our lunch spot with the office crew regularly. The one on Sherman Way
Saw on Adam 12 also. Steak was 1.49
Like everybody else I saw it on Adam-12. Paused it and looked this up immediately to see if it was still there and was disappointed.
Lol also just saw on Adam-12!!!!
I’m watching ADAM-12 right now!! Biff’s Diner is as big as life!! The guys ate Code 7 there all the time!!
I’m watching ADAM-12 right now!! Biff’s Diner is as big as life!! The guys ate Code 7 there all the time!! It’s a great diner!!
I was watching A-12 and I thought biffs was as a Bobs Big Boys after, that’s why I looked it up. December 26-2023
I was watching A-12 and I thought biffs was as a Bobs Big Boys after, that’s why I looked it up. December 26-2023. Sad it’s gone
I guess I’m not alone. Watching Adam-12 and saw biffs and wondered where it used to be. I grew up in the valley and don’t remember it. Must have gone away before my time. Love Adam-12 for the cars and the old neighborhood footage.
Biffs is famous cause it was on the Adam-12 pilot and lots of other Adam-12 episodes!! The same waitress always waited on the officers too. Malloy, Reed, and several other officers ate there. And they always had dessert too!
Just saw on ol episode of chips
Hoff’s Hut in Long Beach still gives you the pie at the counter experience. Seems like there is here was a Beach Blvd location in Orange County, too.
Now I just saw Biff’s on Adam-12 & looked it up. After reading the comments I see I’m not the only Adam-12 fan; watch everyday on Fetv! It’s ashamed Biff’s is not around anymore; however it will always be on Adam-12!
Yes, Sharon, thank goodness we’ve got “Adam-12” to keep Biff’s alive!
Hahaha, I just saw Biff’s on Adam-12.
I always loved Adam-12 and that they filmed in real Los Angeles locations.
The arched windows beyond the cars appears to match those of the old Esther’s Beauty Spa building at 1769 N. Cahuenga found in this posting:
That appears to be on a curvature. What’s up here?
We watch Adam 12 all the time along with Emergency and Dragnet. The restaurant looks familiar but never been to Los Angeles.