Corner Wilshire Blvd and L.A. Brea Ave, circa late 1920s

Corner Wilshire Blvd and L.A. Brea Ave, circa late 1920sThis is the corner Wilshire Blvd and L.A. Brea Ave, circa late 1920s. What struck my eye about this photo (apart from the enviably light traffic and the flapper in the cloche on the left) was the building being constructed on the right hand side. It’s the Security First National Bank at 5207 Wilshire. It caught my eye because that building is one of the most glorious examples of still-existing Art Deco architecture in L.A. You can see a photo of it on my website:

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2 responses to “Corner Wilshire Blvd and L.A. Brea Ave, circa late 1920s”

  1. Prime Puma says:
    Hi I love your blog!
    When I first saw the picture of Wilshire and La Brea, third and the La Brea popped in my head the Trader Joe’s. Then I thought about that building on Wilshire that looks like it too. You can see them at these links.There are a few very similar ones I guess it just was the style at the time. They even have the compass is on top like the house on Bronson and Hollywood. I love your blog I never say anything till how I guess Thank you for the nice stories and pics.

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