Vine Street Brown Derby’s Bamboo Room entrance, Vine Street, Hollywood, 1937.

Vine Street Brown Derby restaurant, Vine Street Hollywood, 1937.Here’s a classic Hollywood photograph if every I saw one. It’s the Vine Street Brown Derby restaurant, just down from the Hollywood and Vine corner. I love the glow of the “Brown Derby Bamboo Room” sign, but here’s detail I’ve never noticed before: the octagonal pattern carved into the sidewalk out front. (This photo is from Life magazine, 1937.)

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2 responses to “Vine Street Brown Derby’s Bamboo Room entrance, Vine Street, Hollywood, 1937.”

  1. Jean Hunter says:

    Photo brings a smile and sadness too as it shows me what the exterior looked like in 1937 the year Harlow passed and knowing she ate there. The three squares of light in the building in the background add such a touch. As do the little derby hats at the bottom of the entrance.

    Thank you for posting this. Jean

  2. Chris Appel says:

    Does anyone have any photos of the inside of the Bamboo room or the 24 hr coffee shop on the opposite side of the restaurant? I’ve seen a number of shots of the main dining room, but I’ve only come across pictures of the recreation at Disney Hollywood Studios when I search for the Bamboo Room.


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