A lone figure stands atop the Hollywood hills contemplating the flickering lights of Hollywood Boulevard, 1957

A lone figure stands atop the Hollywood hills contemplating the flickering lights of Hollywood Boulevard, 1957How chillingly film noir is this? A lone figure, silhouetted in shadow, wearing a hat and trench coat and pulling on a pipe, stands atop the Hollywood hills contemplating the flickering lights of Hollywood Boulevard as it stretches eastward toward a dark and deserted downtown Los Angeles. All we’d need is Barbara Stanwyck in an ugly blonde wig, and we’d really have something. (1957)

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2 responses to “A lone figure stands atop the Hollywood hills contemplating the flickering lights of Hollywood Boulevard, 1957”

  1. Chester says:

    This is one of my favorite photographs of vintage Los Angeles. Has anyone been able to figure out where this exact location is? I’d love to check it out and see how it looks today. 🙂

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