Hollywood Blvd, near Vine Street, circa 1926 or 1927

Hollywood Blvd, near Vine Street, circa 1926 or 1927Looks like it was a busy day on Hollywood Boulevard when this photo was taken, circa 1926 or 27. On the far right, we can see a vertical sign for Henry’s Café at 6315 Hollywood Boulevard, near Vine St and run by a Charlie Chaplin stock player called Henry Bergman. In 1932, Eddie Brandstatter took it over and reopened it as Sardi’s. After Sardi’s closed, it became a Chi-Chi restaurant.

Henry's Cafe, Hollywoodo BlvdHenry's Cafe, Hollywood Blvd, 1920s

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One response to “Hollywood Blvd, near Vine Street, circa 1926 or 1927”

  1. Al Donnelly says:

    We seem to be looking at the Pioneer’s parade in the first image. It’s very interesting that Henry’s appears to have expanded enough to require part of the adjoining building next to Western Auto. The third shot has a flower shop moved in there, with the second photo following later…both having the tall sign that is not there at least as late as 1928. [Western Auto shows up in the building at Vine & Sunset (NW corner) which will become the site of Music City and the second location for Capitol Records studios upstairs.] It is reported that Chaplin financially backed Bergman to open the delicatessen which became the first place to stay open late hours. However, it was John’s Cafe across the road that was said to be the first of the popular gathering spots in early Hollywood.

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