Jean Harlow’s charm bracelet

Jean Harlow's charm braceletIt’s amazing the things that come to light. This is Jean Harlow’s charm bracelet auctioned by Christie’s. Seller was left bracelet by great uncle who knew Harlow when he worked at Hal Roach Studios in 1930s. Charms were gifted to Harlow by various co-stars: telephone from Clark Gable, microphone & film projector from Louis B. Mayer, thermometer, dog, fan, water wagon, fireman’s hat, toilet from William Powell, mirror from Theda Bara, cup with BABY (Harlow’s nickname), key, mailbox.

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4 responses to “Jean Harlow’s charm bracelet”

  1. Margaret says:

    It’s too delicious for words.

  2. Louella Rehfield says:

    Great! Charm bracelets were “the thing” around that time. I recall giving one of my charms to each student who passed her eighth test. Hadn’t thought of that for years. Love, L

  3. Louella Rehfield says:

    Just remembered the name of the night-club which Diana sent you the pic – it was the Moulin Rouge. Love, L

  4. Jean Hunter says:

    Such a beautiful charm bracelet and one I’m sure Harlow treasured. I’m viewing this upside down, but the dog on the top looks like a dachshund, a breed Harlow did own as well as various others.

    I hope – wherever she is – she knows how many still remember her and love her! Jean

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