Wilshire Blvd, Brown Derby, Zephyr Room and the Cord-Auburn automobile dealership…and more…in color!

the Cord-Auburn automobile dealershipThis is one of my favorite photos I’ve come across recently. It shows us the stretch of Wilshire Blvd that the Ambassador Hotel (where the palm trees line the street) looked out on. We can see Brown Derby restaurant, the Chapman Park Hotel bar—called the Zephyr Room. Beyond the Zephyr is the Cord-Auburn automobile dealership, and past that is the tower of the Wilshire Christian Church. Much farther down Wilshire is the dome of the Wilshire Temple, which Louis B. Mayer attended. And the foreground, we have a couple of jaywalking gals in the middle of Wilshire…and it looks like they’ve been shopping.

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2 responses to “Wilshire Blvd, Brown Derby, Zephyr Room and the Cord-Auburn automobile dealership…and more…in color!”

  1. I too love the pic with the Cord dealership. Been to Musso & Frank’s many times & always enjoyed it – so comfortable + good food. Happy Sun. to you and B.

  2. nlpnt says:

    By the time this was taken Auburn-Cord-Duesenberg would’ve been out of business. I wonder if the dealership was able to get another franchise or were they surviving on service business and used cars?

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