Sun rises over the Easter services at Hollywood Bowl

Sun rises over the Easter services at Hollywood Bowl, 1939This pic shows the sun rising over the Easter services at Hollywood Bowl (undated but possibly 1960s…?) For the people at the service, this means they probably had the sun in their eyes for a while, which probably wasn’t too much fun, but it sure makes for a terrific photo, doesn’t it?

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3 responses to “Sun rises over the Easter services at Hollywood Bowl”

  1. Have you been to the Bowl many times? It truly is remarkable. When we lived in Hollywood, we attended often but haven’t been since we moved to San Pedro in 1963. Jerry, Mark (son) and I went to see Nureyev and Margo dance, but we were like 2nd row from top and they appeared to be ants moving around. C’est la vie.

  2. Yes, Louella, I’ve been a bunch of times, but often it’s when there’s no show on. During the day, the Bowl is open to the public. You can just wander in and sit down. A couple of times I’ve even ventured up on the stage. I don’t know if that’s kosher or not, but nobody yelled at us to get the hell down!

  3. Pachi Sueiro says:

    Hi there,
    Are you sure that it is 1939? Black & White people together? Clothes and glasses seems like from 50’s. I’m sorry if I were wrong.
    Best regards.

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