Richfield Tower and beacon at night, Flower Street in downtown Los Angeles, 1929

Richfield Tower and beacon at night, Flower Street in downtown Los Angeles, 1929That Richfield Oil Building sure must have been a sight to see, both during the day when the sun shone on its black-and-gold façade, and at night when the light beacon stood atop the 130-foot tower adorned with vertically arranged neon letters. The building stood at 555 South Flower Street in downtown Los Angeles from 1929 until 1968 when it was torn down to construct a matching pair of the world’s most boring skyscrapers. On my website, I have collected a ton of photos of the building so that you can see what an architectural gem LA lost:

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2 responses to “Richfield Tower and beacon at night, Flower Street in downtown Los Angeles, 1929”

  1. Louella Rehfield says:

    One of far too many lost treasures – truly bad. Love to you always, L&M

  2. HELLO MARTIN,like i mention many times before….it’s before my time but do appreciate what it use to be in LA and HOLLYWOOD,IT’S A SHAME THERE ISN’T A HISTORIC SOCIETY PLACE TO PREVENT THIS FROM HAPPENING ALL THE TIME …SOON THERE WILL BE NOTHING LEFT. REGARDS DENIEL EDWARDS. 5-31-17.

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