Personal guide to movie stars homes, Los Angeles, February 23, 1940

Personal guide to movie stars homes, Los Angeles, February 23, 1940There’s always been a fascination to see where movie stars live—no less now than back in 1940, when this photo was taken. The sign is looking a bit weathered so I guess these guys had been at it for a while, but I’m impressed they give their hours: 9am to 5.30pm, and their credentials “Bona fide and reliable.” I wonder if the car on the right is what that guide in the cap drives when he tours those two nicely dressed young ladies in hats and gloves. They look mighty interested!

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3 responses to “Personal guide to movie stars homes, Los Angeles, February 23, 1940”

  1. Al Donnelly says:

    Was this location identified? If not, it might be a lot at the top of Vine where Yucca would curve eastward (behind the photographer) just above the site of the future Capitol Records. I think it might match a like lot in an aerial view at W&P scrolling a bit here:

    Just not certain yet.

  2. Al Donnelly says:

    Yeah, I checked out every feature and angle and it just doesn’t work even considering a decade of change…a key street light fixture is missing which makes it impossible. (With each successive Hollywood photo it almost seems like they’d bring in the wrecking ball at night and have a new building completed by sun up.) But it certainly does has the feel of these foothills. No doubt someone will recognize that white building eventually…it sticks out like the upper decks of a trans-Atlantic liner.

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