Colorado Blvd looking east to Marengo Ave, Pasadena, California, circa 1890

Colorado Blvd looking east to Marengo Ave, Pasadena, California, circa 1890In this circa 1890 view of Colorado Boulevard (then named Colorado St) looking east to Marengo Ave in Pasadena, we can see a parade going on. With all those flags, I’m guessing it’s a 4th of July parade, but it looks to me like there’s more people IN the parade than are watching it. And if it is July 4th, I feel sorry for those women dressed long sleeves and floor-length dresses and probably corsets, too. It looks like Colorado Boulevard hasn’t yet been paved over, so the air was probably filled with dust and dried horse droppings. All things considered, I think I would have just stayed home and fanned myself with the Pasadena Star-News.

More or less the same view in 2017:

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