Looking east on Wilshire Boulevard at Wilshire Place, Los Angeles, 1930

Looking east on Wilshire Boulevard at Wilshire Place, Los Angeles, 1930We Angelenos are used to experiencing Wilshire Blvd as a crowded corridor of towering office buildings and apartment houses. It can be easy to forget that it was once a regal thoroughfare of large homes and sweeping lawns. This 1930 photo shows us the view looking east on Wilshire Boulevard at Wilshire Place toward downtown. Lots of wide-open space, greenery, and loads of parking. It looks like a pretty nice place to grow up, if you ask me.

For more information, see the houses of Wilshire Blvd.

By Gaylord Wilshire, originator of the Wilshire Boulevard
Wilshire & Co.
3144 Wilshire Boulevard at the corner of Vermont
Los Angeles
Telephone Dunkirk 7469

Who Put the "Wilshire" into "Wilshire" by Gaylord Wilshire

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One response to “Looking east on Wilshire Boulevard at Wilshire Place, Los Angeles, 1930”

  1. J Yuma says:

    An interesting article about the house pictured on the corner and it’s owners.


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