Gene Tierney in the observation car on the Super Chief in “Leave Her to Heaven” (1945)

Gene Tierney in the observation car on the Super Chief in "Leave Her to Heaven" (1945)I do wish that just once I’d had the chance to experience the Super Chief run from Chicago to Los Angeles. Photos like this will have to suffice. This is a shot from Twentieth Century-Fox’s “Leave Her to Heaven” (1945) in a scene that takes place in the observation car of the Super Chief. (That’s Gene Tierney on the left.) I love the sleek horizontal lines of the décor and those big comfy chairs. It must have been a nice way to see the country—and you didn’t have to take your shoes off to get through security!

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2 responses to “Gene Tierney in the observation car on the Super Chief in “Leave Her to Heaven” (1945)”

  1. George Staib says:

    My family moved from Pennsylvania in 1947. I was ten at the time. Over the next five to six years we made a number of trips to Pennsylvania from our new home in Southern California. A number of those trips were on the Santa Fe’s streamlines including the Super Chief and El Capitan. Little did I realize at the time what a treat it was to ride on those trains.

  2. Charles R Harris says:

    I wish I’d had the chance too, Martin. Oh, so do I? Wouldn’t it be nice if Amtrac or ? returned super trains like the Super Chief in light of the experience flying today has become? When I traveled to Newport, R. I. to begin Class 20, Naval Officers Candidate School at the Newport Naval Base, the government put me up in a Pullman Duplex Roomette. I traveled on the Chattanooga Choo Choo leaving from Milan, Gibson County, Tennessee, December 31, 1954 by way of Chattanooga. Wonderful trip to continue of my formative years. “Chattanooga Choo Choo, won’t you choo choo me to my Navy commission?”

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