Hollywoodland sign without the “H” after it fell down during a storm in 1944

Hollywoodland sign without the "H" after it fell down during a storm in 1944In 1944, Los Angeles suffered through a storm that was so fierce that it blew down the “H” in the Hollywoodland sign. As we can see from this photo, the “L” and the “A” suffered damage, too. The “LAND” part of the sign came down in 1945, so I guess that effects of this storm is what encourage the city to officially shorten the sign to simply read HOLLYWOOD.

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2 responses to “Hollywoodland sign without the “H” after it fell down during a storm in 1944”

  1. Peter Mikkelsen says:

    I love that old sign, especially when it was intact!

  2. M. Mitchell Marmel says:

    Nonsense. We all know that the “LAND” part was taken out by a Nazi zeppelin! Just ask the Rocketeer! 😉

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