Aerial view of the corner of Wilshire Blvd and Western Ave, 1924.jpg

Aerial view of the corner of Wilshire Blvd and Western Ave, 1924It’s hard to imagine that the corner of Wilshire Blvd and Western Ave ever looked like this. Only one corner has some commercial development on it, two of the corners contain a single house, and the 4th corner is empty. The two small buildings are real estate offices–Kells & Grant is on the northwest corner and the de Roulet firm, which developed the Pellissier Building/Wiltern Theater, which opened in 1931. But this photo is from 1924 when traffic was still light. But that wouldn’t last long. In 1928, the LA city traffic commission recorded nearly 75,000 automobiles and double-decker buses passing through this intersection on one particular day, and claimed it the nation’s busiest intersection. I don’t know about that, but you sure wouldn’t think it from this photo.

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