Nighttime cityscape from the top of Los Angeles City Hall looking west during WWII dim-out, October 29, 1943

Nighttime cityscape from the top of Los Angeles City Hall looking west during WWII dim-out, October 29, 1943If you stood on the observation deck of the Los Angeles City Hall during WWII and looked west, this would have been your view. That building in front is the old (and glorious) LA County Hall of Records. This photo was taken in 1943 so the city would have been on a dim-out. Not that it looks like it in this photo, but the camera would have been on a slow release, which made those streets look all lit up in classic film-noir-style.

The Los Angeles County Hall of Records building was completed in 1911:

Los Angeles County Hall of Records building.

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One response to “Nighttime cityscape from the top of Los Angeles City Hall looking west during WWII dim-out, October 29, 1943”

  1. Peter Mikkelsen says:

    Thanks, great picture, what a view!

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