La Layenda Apartments, 1799 Whitley Ave, Los Angeles, circa late 1920s

La Layenda Apartments, 1799 Whitley Ave, Los Angeles, circa late 1920sI love finding these sorts of atmospheric Hollywood apartment blocks. This is the La Leyenda Apartments at 1737 Whitley Avenue (just north of Hollywood Blvd.) It was built in 1926, and judging by the cars parked on the street, this photo was probably taken not long after it opened. If there were such a thing as Hollywood ghosts, I think they’d live in a place like this – don’t you?

Here are some more shots of the place:

La Layenda Apartments, 1799 Whitley Ave, Los Angeles La Layenda Apartments, 1799 Whitley Ave, Los AngelesLa Layenda Apartments, 1799 Whitley Ave, Los Angeles

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4 responses to “La Layenda Apartments, 1799 Whitley Ave, Los Angeles, circa late 1920s”

  1. Steven Scherieble says:

    I used to live up the street at the Havenhurst. All the old buildings on this street are incredible.

  2. Bob Freen says:

    Dixie Lee lived at the La Layenda around 1929-1930 when she was dating Bing Crosby. Bing lived at the Canterbury, a block away at 1746 N. Cherokee Avenue. Bing was singing at the Café Montmartre nearby on Hollywood Boulevard while recording with Paul Whiteman & His Orchestra. Dixie and Bing were married at Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church on Sunset Boulevard in 1930.

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