Brown Derby Restaurant, 3377 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, circa 1967 (Kodachrome)

Brown Derby Restaurant, 3377 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, circa late 1960s (Kodachrome)I usually restrict the vintage photos I post to the period that the Garden of Allah Hotel was open (1927 to 1959) but even though this shot of original Brown Derby at 3377 Wilshire was taken in the late 1960s, I love it because the place itself didn’t really change a whole lot. Plus, this shot was taken in vivid Kodachrome color and I’ll take a color photograph of the Brown Derby any time I can get it.

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3 responses to “Brown Derby Restaurant, 3377 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, circa 1967 (Kodachrome)”

  1. M. Mitchell Marmel says:

    Heh. Ever seen the “Brown Derpy”?

  2. John Yuma says:

    According to this site, Geoff Edwards was named ” Personality of the Year” in 67.

    “In its 11th annual radio selections for the Best of 1967 column, The Los Angeles Times selected Edwards for its Personality of the Year for Edwards’ on air work at KFI.”

    Late 60’s on the nose.

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