The Magic Castle in Hollywood, under construction in 1908. Originally built as a private residence for Rollin and Katherine Lane.

The Magic Castle in Hollywood, under construction in 1908. Originally built as a private residence for Rollin and Katherine Lane.Not many buildings in Hollywood have lasted more than a hundred years, but this one has. We know it as “The Magic Castle.” It is the clubhouse of the Academy of Magical Arts, which is a private club for magicians. This photo was taken in 1908 as it was being built as a private residence for Rollin and Katherine Lane. Rollin was a lawyer, banker and real estate investor who helped build Hollywood and also invested heavily in the early development of the San Fernando Valley. Katherine was an author, teacher, and lecturer who served as president of the Woman’s Club of Hollywood. They sound like Hollywood’s original power couple!

See also: Rollin P. Lane house (now The Magic Castle) at 7001 Franklin Ave, Hollywood

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