Art-Deco facade of Al Levy’s Grill, 617 S. Spring Street, downtown Los Angeles, 1930s

Art-Deco facade of Al Levy’s Grill, 617 S. Spring Street, downtown Los Angeles, 1930sMy favorite sort of sign is when the lighting is placed behind the letters as it is here at Al Levy’s Grill, which was at 617 S. Spring Street, downtown Los Angeles during the 1930s and 40s. This shot is from the 30s but I found it listed in a 1941 Los Angeles Guide: “One of the oldest restaurants in town. Noted for its seafood and steaks.” Levy also the Al Levy’s Tavern at 1627 North Vine St across from the Brown Derby. It was a lovely building but unfortunately is now a parking lot…or “fortunately” if you’re looking for parking in Hollywood.

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