United Artist’s “Stagecoach” plays Grauman’s Chinese Theatre, Hollywood Boulevard, March 1939

United Artist’s “Stagecoach” plays Grauman's Chinese Theatre, Hollywood Boulevard, March 1939Here we are seeing Hollywood Blvd during Hollywood’s greatest year, 1939. We know the date by the banner strung across the street. United Artists’ “Stagecoach” played Grauman’s Chinese Theatre for just one week, March 8 to 14. Most movies only played one week that year as there were so many coming down the pipeline! Many of the buildings we can see here are still with us – the bank tower in the distance, Grauman’s on the left, Roosevelt Hotel on the right. Even the building on the left with the large arches is there. It’s a Marshall’s and a souvenir store now but hey, at least nobody’s torn it down.

The same view in January 2018:

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