Looking northwest toward Hollywood from the roof of the Carthay Circle Theater, circa 1930

Looking northwest toward Hollywood from the roof of the Carthay Circle Theater, circa 1930In this circa 1930 shot, we’re afforded a rare opportunity to take in the view from the roof of the Carthay Circle Theatre on San Vicente Blvd. The photographer was facing northwest toward Hollywood so that line of white buildings a couple of blocks away would have been Wilshire Blvd and we can see that the land south of Wilshire was still largely undeveloped—but not for much longer, I imagine.

See also: View looking northeast across Los Angeles from top of Carthay Circle Theatre on San Vicente Blvd, circa 1929

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2 responses to “Looking northwest toward Hollywood from the roof of the Carthay Circle Theater, circa 1930”

  1. Gordon Pattison says:

    Does anyone know what the rail line running across the view in the foreground was? Was it a Red Car line?

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