Brown Derby restaurant at night, 3377 Wilshire Blvd, as seen from Alexandria Ave, Los Angeles, early 1940s

Brown Derby restaurant at night, 3377 Wilshire Blvd, as seen from Alexandria Ave, Los Angeles, early 1940sA follower of this page, Linda Cervon, sent me some vintage photos of LA from her collection and kindly allowed me to post some of them. This one is my favorite: a circa early 1940s night shot of the Brown Derby as seen from Alexandria Ave looking south toward the Ambassador Hotel, where we can see the neon sign for the Cocoanut Grove. It’s so deliciously noir that I think I might faint.

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2 responses to “Brown Derby restaurant at night, 3377 Wilshire Blvd, as seen from Alexandria Ave, Los Angeles, early 1940s”

  1. Gordon Pattison says:

    I never went to the Brown Derby across from the Ambassador Hotel, just never got to it because there didn’t seem to be any urgency. It would always be there, wouldn’t it? I did go to the Cocoanut Grove to see Don Ho, a great show in a fantastic place. I thought that would always be there too. I did go to the Brown Derby on Wilshire in Beverly Hills across from the Beverly Wilshire Hotel.

  2. Well then, Mr Gordon, let that be a lesson to us all – never assume any place is going to be around forever! At least you got to experience one of the Derbys, which is one more than I can say!

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