Bullock’s Wilshire department store late at night, Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, looking south from Shatto Place, circa 1940s

Bullock's Wilshire department store late at night, Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, looking south from Shatto Place, circa 1940s From the same collection of photos as the one of the Brown Derby I posted recently comes this equally atmospheric photo of the iconic Bullocks Wilshire department store building at 3050 Wilshire Blvd. In this photo, we’re looking south from Westmoreland Ave at what appears to be late at night some time in the 1940s. I love how the lighting turned the top of the tower into a shining beacon and how the lights from the window displays throw the palm trees on the left into silhouette.

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4 responses to “Bullock’s Wilshire department store late at night, Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, looking south from Shatto Place, circa 1940s”

  1. Gordon Pattison says:

    Bullock’s Wilshire is a real treasure. My grandmother worked there in the 1930’s where she ran the “Oriental” fabrics department. I shopped there as late as 1988. Glad it is still with us. Wish it were more available to visit.

  2. RICHARD DIXON says:

    It also helps when the streets are wet, which brings out all the dramatic reflections. They wet the streets i most night sceens in movies also, to bring more drama and brillience to the sceen. Keep those night shots coming Martin. Thanks

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