Early view of Whitley Heights near Hollywood, circa mid 1920s

Early view of Whitley Heights near Hollywood, circa mid 1920sThe residential subdivision of Whitley Heights came into being in the early 1920s after developer Hobart Whitley created the hillside community opposite the Hollywood Bowl. According to one report I read, the streets of Whitley Heights were paved in 1926 and this road still looks like a simple dirt road. These days, of course, every square inch is filled with homes, yards, and stairwells but from this rare early view, we can see it’s still earning its reputation of being LA’s first celebrity enclave.

The houses are still there today on Whitley Terrace:

Whitley Terrace, Whitley Heights, Los Angeles

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3 responses to “Early view of Whitley Heights near Hollywood, circa mid 1920s”

  1. Jay Hopkins says:

    Do you have a pic of what the subdivision looked like before the 101 cut off & tore down several homes? I have been trying to find an aerial shot. Just curious what it looked like. Love reading your history too!

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