Looking east along Wilshire Blvd to the KFAC radio towers and Auburn/Cord dealership, circa 1930s

Looking east along Wilshire Blvd to the KFAC radio towers and Auburn:Cord dealership, Wilshire Blvd, circa 1930sIn this circa 1930s photo, we’re looking east along Wilshire Boulevard with the Chateau La Martine apartment building on the left. Past the Chevrolet billboard is the Wilshire Christian Church (now known as the Oasis Church), then the KFAC radio towers and the Auburn/Cord automobile dealership. Out of sight is the Brown Derby and to the far right side is the Gaylord apartment building. What’s nice is that some of the buildings in this photo are still with us, including the Chateau La Martine, which is now hidden by the Line Hotel.

Auburn - Cord building, Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles

Chateau La Martine at 627 S. Normandie Ave, Los Angeles

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