Chaplin Airfield hosting an air show, Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, circa 1920

Chaplin Airfield hosting an air show, Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, circa 1920When I saw this photo, the song from Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines immediately started playing in my mind. This circa 1920 photo gives us a glimpse of an air show held at the Chaplin Airfield at the corner of Wilshire Blvd and Fairfax Ave (then called Crescent Ave.) Chaplin Airfield was established by Charlie’s elder half-brother, Sydney in the late 1910s. On the left you can see a hanger for Mercury Aviation Company. It was started by Cecil B. DeMille at around the same time because apparently helping to invent the movie industry didn’t take up enough of his time.

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