NBC radio and television studios, corner Sunset and Vine, Hollywood, circa 1950

NBC radio and television studios, corner Sunset and Vine, Hollywood, circa 1950Judging from the Studebaker in the foreground, this photo of the NBC radio and television studios at the corner Sunset Blvd and Vine Street appears to have been taken around 1950. Note the “The Sky’s No Limit” recruitment poster for the U.S. Air Force in the foreground. Recruitment would have been on the upswing with the advent of the Korean War, which started in the summer of 1950. Also, note this intersection still had a two-light semaphore traffic signal. The city of Los Angeles removed the last of those in 1956.

"The Sky's No Limit" U.S. Air Force recruitment poster

See also: A collection of photos of the NBC radio and television studios

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