Angels Flight funicular, Hill Street, downtown Los Angeles, circa mid 1950s

Angel's Flight funicular, Hill Street, downtown Los Angeles, circa mid 1950sAs an Angeleno who didn’t arrive in Los Angeles until the mid-90s, I’ve only ever known the Angel’s Flight funicular in Hill Street in downtown LA as standing all by itself like a lost child. So it always comes as a bit of a shock when I find photos of it—like this one taken circa mid-50s, if that ’55 Oldsmobile is anything to go by—in among and part of a more tradition urban landscape.

Angel’s Flight Railway ticket:

Angel's Flight Railway ticket

This is the Angel’s Flight that I know:

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3 responses to “Angels Flight funicular, Hill Street, downtown Los Angeles, circa mid 1950s”

  1. Gordon Pattison says:

    I lived on Bunker Hill in the 1940’s – 60’s where my family owned several of the Victorian houses. I rode Angels Flight many times and still love it. Sadly is all that remains of my neighborhood which was not the blighted slum depicted by propaganda of the time. I am glad Angels Flight is still with us although for me it is completely out of context as shown by these then and now photos. I could and have gone on for pages on this subject but will leave it at that for now.

  2. Michael Bershad says:

    I don’t know if you’re interested, but I have what I believe is the largest collection of Angel’s Flight postcards anywhere. That may not be saying a lot, as I don’t know anyone else who collects them.

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