Earl Carroll Theater, Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, 1945

Earl Carroll Theater, Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, 1945A touch of color in a vintage photograph really does make a place seem that much more real. This photo of the Earl Carroll Theater on Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles was taken in 1945, which means the war was probably still. We can see some servicemen at the doorway, no doubt hoping to catch a glimpse of “the most beautiful girls in the world,” which is how the Carroll billed his showgirls. Those panels on the left made up the famous Celebrity Wall where a grid of stars’ autographs were cast in cement—possibly a variation on the Grauman’s Chinese forecourt.

Earl Carroll Celebrity Wall of stars' autographs

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3 responses to “Earl Carroll Theater, Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, 1945”

  1. Gordon Pattison says:

    What do you suppose happened to those autograph panels?

  2. Al Donnelly says:

    Supposedly most were located in the hands of someone around San Diego, IIRC, from online postings. Whether they’ve be recovered is a good query.

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