Nighttime shot of Hollywood Blvd looking east from Highland Ave, Christmas, 1946

This nighttime shot looking east down Hollywood Blvd was taken at Christmas 1946. The famous metal Christmas trees were different colors, which isn’t something you see in the black-and-white photos. It must have been such a pretty sight to see. This photo was taken from the Highland Ave corner—we can see the vertical neon sign for the Hollywood Theater, which is still there but now houses the Guinness World Records Museum.

The Hollywood Theater at March 2018:

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2 responses to “Nighttime shot of Hollywood Blvd looking east from Highland Ave, Christmas, 1946”

  1. Steve says:

    Merry Christmas Martin! Thank you everything you do everyday xx

  2. Carole Talaway says:

    The year of my birth. I would have been about 2 1/2 mos old when this was taken. I started in Venice, CA. Many great times were spent on Hollywood over the years.
    Merry Christmas and a happy healthy year ahead Martin. I always enjoy your posts.
    Live from Alexandria, Egypt.

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