A circa 1924 Dodge roadster and a circa 1923 Yellow Cab face off, Cheviot Hills, Los Angeles, circa mid 1920s

A circa 1924 Dodge roadster and a circa 1923 Yellow Cab face off somewhere in Los Angeles, circa mid 1920sEven in the mid 1920s with no other cars on the road, Angeleno drivers can fall victim to road rage. One the left we have a circa 1924 Dodge roadster and on the right a circa 1923 Yellow Cab. I don’t know what the two of them were doing but they were sitting there long enough for someone to take their photo. Without a traffic light to tell them who’s got the right of way, it looks to me like they’re playing a game of “Get Out Of My Way No YOU Get Out of MY Way.”

***UPDATE*** – Mystery location solved: This was taken at the corner of Kramerwood Place and S. Canfield Ave in the Cheviot Hills area of LA. That yard in the background belongs to the then-new Hamilton High School.

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5 responses to “A circa 1924 Dodge roadster and a circa 1923 Yellow Cab face off, Cheviot Hills, Los Angeles, circa mid 1920s”

  1. M. Mitchell Marmel says:

    I prefer to think they’re chums having a brief chat before going on their respective ways. But then, I have a touch of the Pollyanna about me sometimes… 😀

  2. J Yuma says:

    The car on the left appears to be a retired Yellow Cab too…so maybe a workplace beef playing out on the streets or maybe just a setup shot.


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