Smokers line up outside the Owl Drug Co. at Santa Monica Blvd and Western Ave, Los Angeles, March 1945

Smokers line up outside the Owl Drug Co. at Santa Monica Blvd and Western Ave, Los Angeles, March 1945Smokers (in other words, everyone) lined up in front of the Owl Drug Co. store at the corner of Santa Monica Blvd and Western Ave upon hearing the news that cigarettes were finally available after a prolonged shortage because of WWII in March, 1945. What we’re not seeing is the ‘after’ photo with grateful Angelenos spilling out onto the sidewalk sucking in entire cigarettes with one breath.

Susan M says: “For most of the war, we could get cigarettes – but generally the off-brands. I used to pack little GI care packets for the Red Cross throughout much of the war. There were always a few packs of cigarettes, a tooth brush, tooth polish, a comb, matches, cookies and a few other things in them. Most of us who packed these were bribed to hide a few packs in our purses for high school boys! Seems best I recall (as a non-smoker), we could get loose tobacco always. There was part of a year cigarettes on the home-front got scarce, but nothing like other things such as sugar and meat. I can remember never seeing Oreo cookies during the war – those all went to the troops!

That same building in June 2017 – and here’s something I don’t often get to say – it looks nicer!

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2 responses to “Smokers line up outside the Owl Drug Co. at Santa Monica Blvd and Western Ave, Los Angeles, March 1945”

  1. J Yuma says:

    Please give my Thanks to Susan M for sharing her memories with us.

  2. Al Donnelly says:

    Unfortunately, wrong building. Drug store was on southwest corner. The bank building was on northwest corner. Down the road was a dry cleaners at one time. The smell of that stuff still hangs in the core of my brain, what little of it is left. BTW…lemon donuts over that side, always fresh, always fine.

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