Window shopping for Easter hats at the Broadway department store at Hollywood and Vine, Los Angeles circa 1940s

Window shopping for Easter hats at the Broadway department store at Hollywood and Vine, Los Angeles circa 1940sIn this circa 1940s photo of a woman window shopping at a department store, there are several things we don’t see anymore: She’s browsing outside the Broadway department store at Hollywood and Vine; the display she’s looking at is for Easter hats; she’s wearing a coat with a fur-lined collar and her stockings have seams up the back; reflected in the window glass we can see the semaphore traffic lights and the sign for the Melody Lane restaurant that occupied the northwest corner from 1940 to 1955. But the real question is: did she go inside and buy a new Easter bonnet?

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2 responses to “Window shopping for Easter hats at the Broadway department store at Hollywood and Vine, Los Angeles circa 1940s”

  1. Alistair Quick says:

    “But the real question is: did she go inside and buy a new Easter bonnet?”

    Let’s face facts; she needed to do something!

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